viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

The drug abuse.

Today i will talk about drug abuse, drugs allowed and not. This permission only based on the laws that "govern us" in Chile.

Personally one of the best known substances within the population: alcohol, it is of interest to me. Why? Because I know some stories of people who've been immersed in alcohol and also my experience.

Today young people in particular, do not understand the significance of the damage that can occur to consume anything in excess. From junk food, television, sex, snuff, to other things they can do other damage.For me, when a person becomes addicted is the lack of mettle and wisdom with the exaltation of self. This knowledge is often acquired through personal experience, when one reflects on what happens to you and understand what happens. Places it in a context and also generates information from the thought of what he felt. But, I, that reflection may also be carried out without having to go through a state of addiction, such as alcoholism. Much time is lost and also one will come to destroy and others around you.

It is part of growing, of building the fortress falling into some problems. The dissemination of stories helps rehabilitation of slippage. Those people who have lived in close proximity own flesh or someone have a task not only himself, but others.

At what level an addiction hurts us at all, on a personal, family, work, friendships.

People do not understand what being an alcoholic. Taking all weekend, extremely is accepted, taking every day, allowing a relative lose your temper at a party is allowed. Not to me. Now it is not. I've never taken in excess. Because I do not want to be dependent, I want to be free from everything that I can attach and cause negative changes in me. I hope all our behaviors analyze each goal.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


“The Internet: Good or Evil?” Describe how the access to information can affect us today, especially thinking of 12-15 year old children.

Do not think you should start with this premise. To say it is good or bad would necessarily be in one position. And like everything in life, both of the two are integrated into one.

Well, the internet is a wonderful tool to connect "almost" instantly. With few seconds apart you can connect by Skype-it is a program that allows video calls connect anywhere with only having downloaded the program on your computador- with anyone anywhere in the world. Many people have generated links, often stained with internet dependency. They have integrated their lives. Like everyone else, no?

Numerous communications links generated by the global opening of globalization have all, well almost all, have access to some good technology device with internet access. So I have it so handy, it has become like instant coffee. Daily is looking at your phone with internet, daily is to check your emails everyday, daily is to send digital photos to your family by Facebook. A question comes to me mind, when I repeat 3 times daily. Is it because, being a great source of quick and easy information, one considered more repeatedly and joins the common life.

Many problems arise with this great permeability information as accessible to all. The bullying, pedophilia, fraud, financial scams are just one example. Two of these examples are related to children or youth. So if one understands that the internet is the big stage with an infinite number of attendees, anyone can have access to your life and especially children. Not only is the dependency that can create this method of communication, but is real damage which can be produce in a "place" that does not seem so tangible for everyone.
 There should be guidance on this issue, teach children to protect themselves so they not to leave damaged.

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

The best holyday. I´ve ever had.

When I travel to south of Chile I was very surprise with all the southern landscapes. I only went to Los Angeles. But no now. Chiloe, Las Cascadas, Licanray are now part of my memories, of my great experience hitchhiking with my best friend Leo, how is also my boyfriend.

We travelled a lot of time –for me-, one month the complete freedom enjoyed by only two of us. We meet a lot of people how loves the south, and more than that, this people enjoy supernaturally the nature, the energy travel, the love being generated outside but just as well be in. Maybe is very subjective all I said. But, when someone finally do what he dreamed, all the things have this emotion, the subjectivity of the love.

Okay, I want to tell my experience about my travel. Our first stop from Rancagua was San Fernando, the truth is very close than Rancagua (jaja) but anyway that was the first. Then we travelled to Concepción for meet with my friend Valentina, she show us the city as well as it the night life.

The third stop was in Licanray. Oh! This place is very awesome. I liked very much stayed there with my tent. The Kalafquen Lake is warm waters, in fact i will tell you that i immersed myself naked in the water at night. Nobody saw me, only the night, the water, the rock and of course my beloved.

Before four days, we arrive to Rio Bueno. ....

To continue...

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

My opinion about the Chilean Education. 

To explain what I think about the Chilean education, I must first understand that a part of me has been formed in Chile, one in Ecuador, another by my environment, for my mother and personal searches, so if I criticize the current education I criticize me as being "taught".
I see many differences in the Chilean educational methods. Public schools have many deficiencies, is true that deliver content agreed by the Ministry of Education, these contents are completely dissolved in various social contexts, because the thought of equality does not mean that we are all equal and thereby the form of formal education does not fit all. The Chilean education system which, from the foundation intervened by territorial legislation and the economic system prevents the formation of a structure opinion ideal for educational training of people also contemplating the prospect of personal and collective development. Being so restrictive and oppressive to all future adults chained to be only part of the country's productive machine.
I agree that personal development is carried from the doubts, search, passion to learn, wanting to strengthen the intellectual, emotional inside, sensitive, gregarious of being but how do we ensure that everyone can build their own - The understanding that education is shared, is a feedback loop between teachers and students, between individuals and societies-being favorably for himself and for all, is that we do not ensure that it is taught at home that is our common ground, wanting to learn the understanding that we are different and everyone will be happy differently.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

A Saudi woman who dared to drive

Good question and excellent the way Manal al- Sharif told her story, a story of struggle lived among many women who decided to end the religious tradition , in my opinion many of the traditions become a terrible reality that presses from the same root conception of minds to some sectors of the community, gender differences , different skin colors , different sexual orientations , being physically different , to be different psychologically , we create names, concepts for chaining everybody's freedom being that the only people able to hold us are actually ourselves, this last sentence is for me is a truth, but still within an oppressive and restrictive environment the fighting with feelings and mind (not necessarily violent ) is much more difficult . We are not all equal, we are similar , and as time goes on we become less homogeneous because individual freedoms are the key to collective freedom .
This video is a good example of how schemes were broken in an oppressive society, told from the experience of a woman in Saudi Arabia which was imprisoned for driving a car in your country. 3 years ago Manal al- Sharif , told that in her country the women can't handle,
first it was a custom but then this custom turned a tradition instituted in religious faith .

She drove twice with his brother, he was sent to detention for one day, and she was sent to jail, 9 days after she was released because there is no law banning women to drive in Saudi Arabia. Many expressions of support erupted in other countries but in his own country is lived differently, threatened to kill her, she didn't give up and calles on June 7 for all asitieran driving, 100 brave women attended that day.


jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Movie Review
Name of Movie: “Earth 2100”  

 1.-Describe/list/ outline the main themes of the movie.  (50 words)   Personally I think the main themes of the movie is:
The climate change in the earth.
The extreme pollution in the world would be in a couple years.
The natural resources depletion caused by the unsustainable economy.
The lack international agreement to resolve climate change as a global problem.

 2.    Write a review (200 words) of the video.  Highlight the importance of the movie’s information/ themes/ topics to your own personal experience and professional perspective.

 I think the video was great because use the climate change as a potential reality in the future. Across the video I feel a little sad because seen in a video some think you only have in your head as a thought and in this video  they show you with images your thoughts become reality, oh no!… is extreme disturbing because this reality isn’t good for anybody.  But at the end of the video you think about the important role we have, the extreme power we have to transform the earth. I believe we must change for save the live and this is something we have to do now, no tomorrow, we need a sustainable society who understands the value of the different species the flora and fauna. As a future geographer I understand that everything that happens in our environment have repercussions in our life. There is a link between nature and humans that’s why we have to do the necessary for save the nature, we must give life to receive life.
In my experience I have seen a lot of people who have changed theirs habits to take care of natureal resources, they recycle for example, and is very easy, but this is not a local problem is it a global problem but one begins.

3.- List a minimum of three facts, pieces of important information or “other” from the video that you would like to remember and would want to tell a friend about.

In my opinion three intense events in the video was:
One: the disagreement in to the countries about the emissions of gases, fact that causes a huge climate change could be irreversible.
Two: water scarcity in peripheral cities, cause migrations north
Three: The cities achieved using the natural resources in a sustainable way, green cities.